*10 Year Update*

Lasting Benefits

I concluded DNRS retraining 10 years ago in 2014. Restoring more ideal limbic function has had positive lasting benefits for me. I believe it changed the way my body and brain interpret information and also how I consciously understand the world around me. When there are bumps in the road, I am grateful for my DNRS experience, giving me resilience which lives on.

Family Life

It is such a fun time in our family’s life. We love to explore together so we took a number of road trips this year. We visited White Sands National Park in New Mexico, Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, Tucson to attend a relative’s college graduation, and Durango to visit nearby Mesa Verde and ride the historic Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad!

White Sands National Park

It brings me so much joy to be able to share these adventures as a family. I am excited for the upcoming trips we are planning which include Yellowstone National Park, Pagosa Springs, and more!

For three years prior, I homeschooled our kids. We enjoyed taking on some homesteading projects to expand our learning. We sprouted our garden from seed, held experiments to learn what our backyard songbirds like to eat most (shelled sunflower seeds), we built a chicken coop, and even designed our own small aquaponics system!

Health Navigation Assistance

I founded Nuthatch Health Pathways for individuals to obtain the health navigation assistance they need when facing medical issues. To provide the best support, I uphold the standard of practice and code of ethics defined by the National Association of Healthcare Advocacy (NAHAC).

Health navigation assistance compliments any modality of treatment or therapy, and it is not DNRS related or competitive. 

Learn more at nuthatchhealth.com.

Warmest wishes,
